1. Navigate to your 3CX webpage

  2. Sign in with Microsoft, using your work account

  3. On the left-hand menu at the bottom select “Admin”

  4. Select “Office Hours”

  5. In the top menu select “Office Holidays”

  6. Select “+ Add”

  7. Enter the name of the holiday

  8. Uncheck the "Anually" box

  9. If you’ll be closed for a single day leave the drop-down menu as is. Otherwise, select “Range of days”.

  10. Adjust the data and time accordingly, if you’ll be closed the whole day select “Whole day” on the far right.

  11. If you have a unique message to play during the closing, you can go ahead and upload and select it now. (If you’re unsure how to record one check out our other article: Changing Voice Menu Greeting)