If you would like to set up forwarding for your phone extension, you will first need to log into the 3CX Web Client. (If you don't have the link or credentials, reach out to Pinnacle at 260-205-8900 or techsupport@pintechfw.com and ask us to send you a 3CX "Welcome Email". )

Once you are logged into the 3CX Web Client, click "Settings" and then "Call Forwarding" to get to the forwarding options. Here are a couple of common scenarios:

To ALWAYS forward calls to another number:

  1. Select "Available".
  2. Set "Forward External Calls to" and/or "Forward Internal Calls to" to send calls to what ever External Number (or internal extension) you'd like.

To TEMPORARILY forward calls to another number:

  1. Select "Business Trip".
  2. Set "Forward External Calls to" and/or "Forward Internal Calls to" to send calls to what ever External Number (or internal extension) you'd like.
  3. Click the "Available" dropdown  in the upper right corner.
  4. Click "Set status temporarily."
  5. Set "Change status to" to "Business Trip" and "For" to the length of time you would like.
  6. Click OK.