Pinnacle sets up our customers to use NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner 2) as the standard scanning software - by doing this, we can more easily support a variety of different scanners, and users can have a standard interface as they move from computer to computer that may have a variety of scanner models.

You should see a shortcut to your desktop called "Scanner" which will have this icon: 

In order to begin scanning you must set up a scanning profile. Please follow the steps below to set up a Simplex (single-sided) and Duplex (double-sided) profiles.

  1. Open the Scanning program (see the shortcut above)
  2. When the program opens select the "Profiles" option in the top menu
  3. If you have already created profiles they will be in the menu that pops up, but if you don't have any it will be empty. To create a new profile select "New" in the bottom menu.
  4. When the profile settings menu appears be sure to change "Display Name" to an appropriate name. If you choose to create a custom profile the you may want a different name than the ones given below.
  5. Be sure "WIA Driver" is selected and choose your scanner by clicking "Choose device'
  6. A menu will appear, select the scanner you will be using and then click "OK"
  7. In the Profile Settings menu be sure that "Use predefine settings" is selected and then use the below templates to setup your Simplex and Duplex profiles.
  8. For the Simplex profile use the below settings. Note: Depending on what kind of scanner you have you will need to change "Glass" to "Feeder". Glass is for scanners where you lay the paper flat on the glass surface and let it scan. Feeder is for scanners that pull the paper through the machine to scan.
  9. For a Duplex profile use the below settings
  10. Once these profiles are setup click "Auto Save Settings"
  11. The default Auto Save Settings we recommend are the below settings. For "File path", copy and paste this text: %USERPROFILE%\Temp\$(YYYY)$(MM)$(DD)-$(hh)$(mm)$(ss)-$(nnnn)

    Note: If you would like the file to save somewhere else replace %USERPROFILE%\Temp\ with the file path to where you'd like to save. If you are unsure which file path to use, please give Pinnacle a call and we can help out.
  12. For different behavior when scanning, the Auto Save settings can be changed.
    1. To choose the destination each time you scan, make sure "Prompt for file path" is selected.
    2. To see what was scanned and saved inside of the program, uncheck "Clear images after saving"
      Note: This still auto-saves a copy but you can choose to remove pages and save an additional copy.
    3. If you would like to manually edit/choose which pages are saved after scanning but don't want an extra copy, unselect Enable Auto Save.
      1. This will cause all scanned pages to show in this menu when scanning and you can select which ones to keep and which ones to remove.
      2. Once you're done be sure to click "Save PDF" to save your work!