Backing up your Authenticator App is a very important step in ensuring that you are not locked out of your account in the event that your phone is lost or stolen. If you need to restore from a backup then use this article:

Before you begin: Be sure you have done the following:
  • Installed the LastPass Authenticator (for iOS or Android)
  • Installed and logged in to the LastPass Password Manager (for iOS or Android)
  • Enabled the LastPass Authenticator app in your Vault (instructions here)
To back up your data to LastPass and enable Cloud Backup for the LastPass Authenticator, do the following:
  1. Open the LastPass Authenticator app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the Options icon  in the toolbar.
  3. Toggle on the switch to enable the option Backup to LastPass.
  4. When prompted, tap Open LastPass to open the LastPass Password Manager app.
  5. To confirm your email address and create a backup, tap Use <LastPass account email address> account.
A confirmation message displays when the backup is complete, and you have successfully enabled Cloud Backup for the LastPass Authenticator.