These steps are for adding a delegate to your Google Workpace (GMail) inbox. anyone added as a delegate will be able to see and reply to any emails in your inbox. Delegated users cannot change your password, invite others to be delegates of the account, or access any other Google Workspace apps on your behalf (e.g. Google Drive).
- On your computer, open Gmail
- In the top right, click Settings > See all settings
- Then click See all settings
- Click the Accounts tab.
- In the "Grant access to your account" section, click Add another account.
- In the window that appears enter the email address of the person you want to add.
Click Next Step
- Send email to grant access. This will send an invitation email to the person you are delegating access to. Once the delegate accepts the invitation, they will be able to open a new tab to access your emails by clicking on the profile picture in the upper right of their Gmail window and selecting your name (which will show up as "Delegated"):
To later remove a delegate from your account follow the instructions here:
Google Calendar
Delegating Google Calendars is a separate process - see this Google article for instructions: Share your calendar with someone
Google Contacts
Delegating Google Contacts is a separate process - see this Google article for instructions: Give another user access to your contacts
YouTube, Google AdSense, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Postmaster Tools, and Google Maps are all handled at the domain level and aren't covered by "delegation". You'll need to reach out to Pinnacle Support for assistance with these - [email protected] or 260-205-8900.