Pinnacle supports two different architectures for the phone servers we provide for our clients. Both options are outlined below.

On Premises

This involves installing the phone server at your location, usually in your network area next to your Pinnacle router. Internal calls at the main site stay within your network and are not dependent on your internet connection(s) or bandwidth, and so will continue to work if your internet connection goes down. This option can be ideal for clients:

  • Who have a single location with few remote workers
  • Who have a very stable internet connection
  • For whom internal phone communication is more crucial than outside calls

Hosted by Pinnacle

With this option your phone server resides in a Pinnacle's Fort Wayne data center. This gives us the capability of running your phone traffic across a transparently redundant connection, so that calls are not dropped if one of your internet connections goes offline, even for a few seconds. This option can be ideal for clients:

  • Who have multiple locations, or a number off-site employees
  • Who have multiple Internet connections
  • Who need maximum stability for outside calls
  • Who have relatively frequent power or Internet outages at their main office, and want to be able to fail over to other options quickly