Pinnacle's corporate approach is that we take care of all the administration of your systems for you - you tell us what you need, and we worry about the details. This is crucial to our business model; our ability to maintain system security and reliability, to make improvements systematically, and to respond efficiently and effectively to requests all rely on a significant degree of standardization across our client base. It's also crucial that when a user contacts us with a problem that we know what changes have been made recently - the last thing we want is to end up in a finger-pointing game.

However, we understand that in some cases it may make more sense for you as our client to have direct access to certain systems (servers, phone systems, etc.) to make administrative changes yourselves without going through Pinnacle or feeling like we're "handcuffing" you. In these cases, we ask that you keep the following things in mind:

  • "With great power comes great responsibility".
  • Administrator access can be used to cause significant damage, and the credentials (username/password) should be protected accordingly. Pinnacle may require additional security measures such as two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.
  • If you aren't sure how to do something or what the effects of your change will be, call us first! Pinnacle is here to help - we would much rather help you think through the ramifications beforehand than clean up a mess later.

If we find that there are regular conflicts between our need for consistency and your need for administrative access, we will ask for a meeting to discuss options.