Note: If you are trying to prep a Mac, click here instead

ScreenConnect is the software Pinnacle Technology Solutions uses to remotely prep your computer to be managed by us. 

Before you begin:

  • If you didn't use one of our recommended hardware configurations, please make certain you have Windows Pro on the machine.  If Windows Pro is not included on the machine, Microsoft charges $99 + tax to upgrade from Windows 10/11 (Home) to Windows 10/11 Pro
  • If you have used this machine at all, be aware that all data will be wiped out in this process

Unbox and plug the machine(s) into power.  It's important that ALL machines we're prepping be plugged in at the same time.  Set them up in a place where you have wired access to the corporate network, and the machine(s) can sit for a couple of days while we prep it and get it ready to go

  1. DO NOT PLUG the computer into the network or connect to WiFi!
  2. Go through the setup, accepting all the defaults (they'll get reset later).  When you get to the following screen, DO NOT log into your Microsoft account!
  3. You're going to use domain join instead, then put in whatever temporary username and password you like (we often use "temp" with a password of "PmetPmet", but what you use isn't important).

Image: post content

Image: post content

Once you are logged in and at a desktop: 

  1. Plug in the network cable or connect to Corporate Wifi (NOT Guest), and continue. If WiFi is the only thing available, that can work, just be aware that the prep process can take 2-3x as long.
  2. Open a web browser other than Internet Explorer or Edge (i.e. use Chrome or Firefox)
  3. Go to (no "www" in front)

Click Build Installer:

Enter your organization/company name and name of the primary user (or other descriptive name) for the computer. If you have a particular machine name you want to use, please put them here, otherwise, we'll assign names and tell you which machine is which based on serial number so you can label them.

Select the Windows (.msi) installer then click Download Installer (you might need to scroll down to see it). Do NOT click Done or it will not download.

Once downloaded, run the "Pinnacle.ClientSetup.msi" and that will install ScreenConnect. You will now see an icon in your task tray showing that ScreenConnect is running:

IMPORTANT - Please make certain the computer is plugged into AC power and disable power saving (see this article for instructions)

Call Pinnacle at 260-205-8900 to confirm we can see it, then we'll finish prepping your computer from our office. When you call, we'll want to know:

  • Who the primary user is going to be for each machine or what the machine(s) will be used for
  • What machine(s) we'll be replacing, if any.

Depending on our workload, the number of machines and the complexity of your setup, this will usually take approximately 1-2 business days to prep (expect an additional day for every 4 machines). 

Finally, please physically label machines with the machine names we provide (or you provide us).  Users find it extremely frustrating to try to read the serial number on a machine (especially laptops since they are printed on the bottom) so we can find it on our side.