Pinnacle Technology Solutions can provide several options for sending and receiving faxes, depending on your organization's needs. All of these are included in the cost of your Pinnacle VoIP service.

Electronic faxing ('efax')

Pinnacle will migrate your existing fax(s) number directly to our efax system. Faxes can be sent by simply sending email with an attachment - the service will convert it and fax it to the number you specify, and you'll receive email confirmation on the status of your fax. Incoming faxes can be emailed to a group or a single person; in addition, most printers/copiers can be configured to print efaxes automatically (this does depend on your specific device).

If you have (an) existing fax machine(s), we can also configure it(them) to send faxes as usual.

Analog faxing via Pinnacle's digital fax provider

This allows you to continue to use your existing fax machine(s) as-is. We will replace your existing analog line to provide digital service, but your fax machine(s) will operate in the same way. This is helpful for customers who prefer not to change how faxing works when they move to a VoIP system.

Hybrid - efax alongside analog faxing

With this option, Pinnacle can provide efax service alongside your existing analog fax system, via a separate fax number. This allows customers to take advantage of efaxing's simple paperless sending and receiving without changing how their current fax machine operates. The downside to this solution is that you must select a single email address to receive faxes. Shared mailboxes works best for this, since using an individual address is problematic with illnesses and vacations, and using a distribution list is problematic because you can end up with 2+ people handling the same fax (or nobody handling it because they think somebody else is).